Acknowledging the indomitable pursuit of excellence, triumphing over formidable odds
Bridging Dreams & Reality
Each of these accolades represents a milestone I've reached through unwavering perseverance. They serve as constant reminders that with dedication, nothing is impossible. These awards inspire me to keep pushing my boundaries, striving for new heights, and transforming my dreams into tangible accomplishments on my life's journey.

trophy ICT Student of the Year
2022 (Undergraduate)
CSSL ICT Awards is an award ceremony conducted with the view of recognizing and motivating those who have served the ICT industry in Sri Lanka. These awards intend to encourage, recognize and celebrate excellence in ICT practice by rewarding the best and the finest of ICT Professionals.

award_star Outstanding Volunteer Award
2023 (IEEE Region 10 SAC)
The IEEE Region 10 Student Activities Committee (SAC) Outstanding Volunteer Award is given to an IEEE member of any grade, who has been organizing activities and providing impetus to growth of student involvement for IEEE activities and events.

2022 (2nd Runner-Up, ES Week)
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees at well-known ACM-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.

trophy ICTA Spiralation Grant
2022 (CircuitBreakers Robotics)
ICTA Spiralation is a startup support program in Sri Lanka conducted by the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) aiming to nurture and accelerate the growth of innovative technology startups in the country. The program provides selected startups with access to mentorship, networking opportunities, and financial support to help them refine their business ideas, develop their products or services, and scale their operations.

award_star Upsilon Pi Epsilon Award
2021 (Undergraduate Category)
The Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) Honor Society Award is a prestigious recognition given to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and contributions in the field of computer science and information technology. Only 4 awards are given annually and this award serves as a symbol of the recipient's outstanding dedication to advancing the field and their commitment to fostering collaboration and excellence within the computer science community.

award_star Lance Stafford Larson Award
2021 (Undergraduate Category - 1st Place)
The Lance Stafford Larson Student Paper Award is a prestigious recognition presented by the IEEE Computer Society to outstanding student-authored research papers. This award was created to encourage students to develop excellence in their communication skills and to motivate students toward achievement in the field of Computer Science.

award_star Outstanding Volunteer Award
2021 (Student Category)
IEEE Sri Lanka Section Outstanding Volunteer Award is a recognition given to exceptional student volunteers within the Sri Lanka Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This award acknowledges and honors students who have made significant contributions to their local IEEE community through their active involvement in various IEEE activities, such as organizing events, mentoring peers, or advancing technological initiatives.

award_star Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Award
2020 (Spring) (Undergraduate Category)
The Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Award by IEEE Computer Society aims to recognize and assist outstanding students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements, leadership potential, and a commitment to advancing the field of computer science.

trophy IEEE Innovation Nation
2019 (Winner, Sri Lanka)
IEEE Innovation Nation is a program or initiative aimed at fostering innovation, creativity, and technological entrepreneurship among IEEE members and the broader community. It provides a platform for individuals to collaborate on innovative projects, explore emerging technologies, and develop solutions to real-world challenges.

trophy Thinkwave
2019 (Winner)
Thinkwave is a global ideathon hosted by AIESEC at the University of Moratuwa, designed to serve as a dynamic platform for aspiring young entrepreneurs. It offers an expansive opportunity not only for local undergraduates and school students but also for students worldwide to showcase their innovative ideas and entrepreneurial passion.

trophy Mora Ventures
2019 (2nd Runner-Up)
Mora Ventures is a dedicated platform with a mission to inspire and nurture aspiring entrepreneurs within the University of Moratuwa and beyond. Their scope extends beyond technology startups, encompassing all forms of innovative business ideas and social initiatives poised to make a positive impact on the global stage. The program aims to cultivate a highly dedicated community of entrepreneurs poised to transform Sri Lanka over the next decade.